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Setting some things straight/Fleecy Moss - 14.01.2000

* Forwarded from "Team Amiga" Mailinglist
* Originally from: fleecy moss (
* Original date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 11:19:45 -0500

In my trawling around the community hangouts,
I have come across several misconceptions, rumours,
and a lot of confusion. Whilst I can't hope to answer 
everything, here are some things I want to set straight.

0. Amiga will build a digital content universe. Digital
    content means anything composed of 0 and1 - 
    applications, video, audio, games, emails, whatever.
    We will focus on 2 markets, the pathfinder market,
    for digital adventurers, power users, gamers,
    content creators, DTPers, artists, video  ppl
    and those who refuse to define a computer as
    a digital appliance. Our second market will 
    cocentrate on the Domestic Digital Habitat (DDH).

1. If you are a personal computer person, there will
    be a personal computer second wave Amiga.

2. We will support classic development in so much
    as we want to help users and developers transition
    to a new machine. That will be the total extent of our
   support for the classic machine. If this involves further
   AmigaOS releases, then so be it.

3. We are targetting x86 and PPC for the first consumer
   release of Pathfinder products (if you are a personal 
   computer person, this means you).

4. We will do everything in our power (that doesnt bankrupt 
   us or interfere with our primary goals) to ensure classic 
  Amiga  software runs on the new machine in some form or 
  another.. The new Amiga product family (formerly called 
   AQUA) will run natively and hosted. This is to create a large 
   market fast  for Amiga developers to profit from. For the first 
   pathfinder release it will run hosted to see this market grow 
   fast. We see one of our core duties as serving the developers.

6. We are talking to the Phoenix Consortium about common 

7. We have been contacted by QNX but currently have no plans 
    to work with them.

8. We will develop Amiga products for another market, the 
    Domestic Digital Habitat (DDH) market. This markets will 
    be kept separate but products will work together if the installer 
    so desires it.

9. There will be a new website and it will be public shortly. It has 
     been tested on all browsers, Amiga and non Amiga, and given 
     the compatibility problems between the implementations of open 
     standards, our best effort has been made. The site   will grow 
    quickly and more information will be added. We want it to become a
  village where all Amigans can come to voice their opinions, chat, 
   and travel off  to different parts of the Amiga universe.

a. A developer support manager has been selected and they are 
    working  on implementing   the developer support program. This will 
    be in  place before the developer boxes are released.

b. The developer boxes are specced out, we have contacted several 
     whitebox manufacturers and we are building the distribution.

c.Amiga will not provide dates until we have a product. We will share 
    timelines, but will not attach dates to them. Enough damage has 
   already been done.

d. We have had acceptances from 75% of our development team and
   their names and roles will be announced once we get back from 
   training (before the end of the month).

This mail can be redistributed without modification within the community. 
 As further questions and issues come up, we will attempt to answer them.

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